Why the English language is important?
Some people wonder: Why study a foreign language? After all, you can do without it in life, especially in a profession that is not related to language.
Economics, politics, science, sports – English plays a special role in all these areas, because it is defined as the official language of the UN. Summits and meetings of state representatives, signing of decrees, negotiations – everywhere the main language is English. Trade, banking, transport, air and sea communication – the same situation. Academics and scientists all over the world communicate in this language.
Global English has become an international language for the reason that the people who communicate in it have a certain dominance.
The spread of the English language was helped by political, military, and in a more modern society by scientific and technical, economic, and cultural leadership.
All this has led to the fact that this system of human communication has won the world championship in functional application.
9 reasons why it is important to know English 1. The first reason why it is important to know English is to increase your value in the labor market. Knowledge of the language distinguishes the candidate favorably from the rest, because in Russia a confident command of English is still a rarity. The labor market will change a lot soon, and those who can and know more will have the advantage. No one has canceled work abroad either. English is the official or one of the main languages of communication in more than 50 countries!
2. In many fields of activity, professional literature and sources of relevant information appear first or only in English. Not all books, scientific articles, specialized literature, textbooks are translated into Russian, which limits the possibilities of obtaining new knowledge. The translation appears 1-2 years after the publication of the original source in English. As for specialized sites, almost all of them are English-speaking. If you know English, you can use information that would otherwise be unavailable to you or would appear very late.
3. Travel and relocation abroad. Booking hotels, buying airline tickets, ordering a taxi, buying groceries and organizing a life or vacation in a new country is very difficult without knowing English, even if you have enough money. Knowing English, you will easily find a common language with the locals, you will be able to communicate with sellers in markets and shops, you will never get lost in the city, ask for help in a critical situation faster. And, finally, knowledge of the language will allow you to better learn and understand the new country where you will come to live, study or relax. "With languages, you're at home anywhere." Edmund de Waal
4. The fourth reason is to train your memory and brain. When you learn a language, memorize new information, your memory works better, you protect the brain from negative age-related changes. In the era of information flows, it is extremely important to train your brain. Some types of senile dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, are diagnosed five years later in people who know at least two languages than in those who speak only one language. So learning English is a great way to improve memory and keep the brain in good shape, which means prolonging the state of mental and psychological health.
5. Another reason why it is important to know English is the ability to watch movies, TV series, as well as many different programs and publications without translation. You will be surprised when you realize that each actor has his own pitch, voice, timbre, which is difficult to confuse with someone else. When you see how much the dubbed movies and TV series differ from the original ones, you will no longer want to watch them with translation.
6. Purchases on English-language websites are cheaper and more diverse. It has always been expensive in our shopping centers, and now there is also a small choice. But please consider the possibility of delivery from different countries in the current situation. 7. Learning English, you get such a nice bonus as the opportunity to listen to songs by foreign artists without translation. But there is a problem here… You will perfectly understand what it is about and how meaningless most of the songs of foreign artists are. Maybe you shouldn't learn English?! But keep in mind, there is a high probability that all these years you have been humming not at all what should be there.
8. Knowledge of English will allow you to open new horizons and opportunities, it will never be superfluous. English will give you additional sources for earning money: tutoring, translation of articles, abstracts, assistance in paperwork and other services on a paid basis. Your skills will certainly be useful to you, and more than once.
9. The opportunity to expand the circle of communication and move on. Learning a new language will diversify your life, broaden your horizons. By mastering English, you will begin to express yourself in a new way, meet new people, get a lot of knowledge about the culture and order of other countries. The process of learning English will change you, make you smarter and more educated in many areas, open access to previously inaccessible sources of information and bring new people into your life.
In the modern world, a foreign language is becoming a necessity. Knowledge of a foreign language increases competitiveness in the labor market, trains memory, improves attention, expands the circle of communication, gives the opportunity to read special literature. It also promotes creativity, increases self-confidence and allows you to travel without barriers.
As the Chinese proverb says: "To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world."
Here is the link of document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W2pD2qla41DRW-v9HXFG_1QrMnjcg5mh/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=117490734810169622413&rtpof=true&sd=true
Here is the links of audios: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IdrSeBPBSkG_ViXYOKIh4MmCocXS7gPL/view?usp=share_link
Link of my site: https://usefullanguage.blogspot.com/2023/02/why-english-language-is-important.html
Here is my presentation on Prezi: https://prezi.com/view/9w16cW1G3LXL0VYfo80j/
Here is linoit: http://linoit.com/users/Shugaibova/canvases/Trial%20Canvas#showSocial
My link to voicethread: https://voicethread.com/share/22556893/
Audio and videopodcasts:
Link of drive google: https://drive.google.com/drive/my-drive (pictures.mp3)
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